Music on a single bass tone
In India traditional music is usually based on a drone. A drone is a bass tone that is sustained throughout the entire piece. It also can be the combination of a bass tone and the perfect fifth above that tone sounding together at the same time.
In recent years research discovered the marvellous harmonizing and balancing effect that music based on a bass drone can have. For “Melodies on the Earth Tone G”, I choose the drone tone G. The tone G is considered the tone of Mother Earth. For this reason native American flutes are oftenbased on the tone G.
The music of “Melodies on the Earth Tone G” combines the elements of the classical Western music with Indian and Chinese scales and the Indian drone. In this I created a new meditative music. The listener tunes into the harmonies that are built on the tone G. The effect is very harmonizing to mind, soul and body. I recorded all the music of this album with the piano.
In the year 2004 I first started improvising music based on a specific bass tone. I was asked by the German music therapist Dr. Annette Cramer to create and record piano music on each of the 12 tones of the chromatic scale. Each of the pieces should be 15 minutes long and have one specific tone in the bass as a drone for the entire piece. Such came into being 12 piano improvisations for each specific tone. I continued looking for new inspirations with bass tone specific music. Thus more music came into being and I recorded an entire album with various musical pieces all based on the tone G.
May the album “Melodies on the Earth Tone Gā bring to the listener inner harmony and tune our beings and worlds naturally to the original pristine purity of our earth.