with Martin Christian Anderle
Piano, Piano Improvisation and Composition
in-person or online
Individual one-on-one coaching with Martin

Get in Touch

Creative Online Piano and Improvisation Course
"Learn to Play Piano by Creating Your Own Music - Part 1"
Available on Skillshare

Video Class
Calder Morton-Ferguson
“Martin, thank you for the crucial note you have played in our son’s education. Liam learned great improvisation and composition skills under your kind and generous teaching approach. We give our deepest thanks and appreciation for all you have done to set Liam on his lifelong musical journey.”
Justine Richardson and Brady Deaton, parents of Liam
“Ever since I began taking lessons with Martin in August 2018, I have accelerated dramatically in my piano skill. The first piece I learned with him, he suggested I play at the St Thomas Rotary Festival, and I did that and received a mark of 92. He also helped me to improve my theory knowledge. We work through theory books and he explains everything clearly. You can tell he is passionate about his studies. Over all I am very happy with how my piano lessons have been going. I am excited to continuo my lessons with him until I go to university to study music.”
Thomas Bee